Does India need a Social and a Political Overhaul

India, the biggest democracy in the world is now at a standpoint where it seriously needs to look back and ponder deeply about the need of a serious and extensive overhaul of its structure. The recent attack on Mumbai has stirred the very root of Indian politics. The politicians of our country need to unite at this time and together find a solution to this grave danger that confront us.

I am overwhelmed by the response of the people of India who, finally seem to be realizing that they also have a very important part to play in the working a gigantic unit that we call a NATION. In the light of the past events, be it the matter of corruption, or the IC 814 issue, the Indian leaders have failed to prove themselves as a motivated and a focused lot. The Indian politics has been reduced to a dirty exchange of substandard words and allegations. More over, politicians like the the self obsessed Mayawati and the seemingly perpetually high Mulayam Singh Yadav have made it even worse by exploiting and and misleading the poor. Thanks to people like these ,caste politics has emerged as a biggest and the most effective tool for winning the "getting the vote game". Having said this, i would also like to say that politicians alone are not to blame. A nation is not made by the politicians alone. i would now shift to "we the people of India"

We boast of being a huge and united country, but i am sorry to say that i do not see that unity what so ever ,which every one so proudly boasts of. Be it the communal divides to regional partition we have a scores of reasons on which we so passionately divide ourselves. Some call themselves the chosen ones because they belong to a certain community; others call themselves the real representative of a true India. I wonder how we still call ourselves a united country and then there are others who brag tirelessly about them being the Intellectual class. When I look at my country as a whole, it is heartbreaking to see it any thing but united. When I hear the news here in Rome I don’t hear people shouting JAI HIND anymore, rather they chant slogans like jai maharashtra or jai haryana. I wonder how we call us a united country. Although I hate to say this but I now feel that we have reduced to a group of states which continue to co exist just because the British made this of us. We must understand that our strength lies in our unity and we must make our diversity and advantage rather than destroying it.

What I see as a silver line in the darkest of clouds is the reactions that the people of India have been expressing post the attack on Mumbai. It is wonderful to see the people of India standing united and speaking in one voice. Also, it is after a long time that I observe the common man of India being angry. Though it sounds weird but I am elated to see my fellow citizens so angry. The anger in this case is directed towards our leaders. It is important to keep this anger alive and send across this message to the politicians that they should now stop taking us for granted and actually start to perform. They must realize that they are public servants. It is we the tax payers who pay for their expenses. They should do that for what they have been elected and uphold their promises. It is high time now that, both, the people of India and the politicians realize their duties and act accordingly. The people of India specially need to hone their tolerance level and realize that the politician become what we allow them to become. The moment we all decide to say so no to bribes, there would be no one to take it. We the people of the nation have as much responsibility that the politicians have to play our part in the development of our country.


Anonymous said…
well, i do agree that india has somewhat woken up. but i also believe that most of it is due to the fact that media is playing a role in it. we might call it a negative or a positive according to each ones view point. but the fact still remains there only. the problem still remains there only. im here in mumbai right now, but i hardly see any impact on the masses, leaving out some of the NGO's and some TV artists. The TV artists n celebrities might again be doing all this for their own image only. who knows? as far as normal citizens are concerned, they dont have a choice. they have to work. they have to move on.

ont the other hand, shouting slogans, or going for peace march alone wont do any thing. one minister reisgning, others taking their responsibilities wont again solve the problem. after all we all are indians. the product of the same system. we have been doing it since long. n most of us, would still continue to adapt to the same standards of living. we have been ingrained with it. recently when a minister made a rude speach for the family members of major unnikrishnan, thw whole media made a hype of it, but what happens when normal people disrepect those who sacrifice their lives on border. we only think of them when they get "shaheed". what a shame on us.
untill n unless, everything is reformed from the scratch, this would go on. today, even if one thing is changed, one law modified, it wont make a difference. it has taken a long time to make us this way, n would take a lot more time to bring a change.
everything that is happening in India right now, all the revolts, all the protests, are just a way to increase TRP's of some news channels, inspired by the channel themselves. How many people that we know are participating in it? because each one of us is busy following the rituals of the system.
Even if the government takes any hard step on this issue, it would just be to increase their own vote bank for the overhead elections. In these circumstances, a common man can do nothing, but lament, to be a part of this society, where a man is so much engrossed in making money name n fame, that nothing else matters. people die, so let them, untill one of our own dies.
These governments are just good for making parks, roads, metros, malls etc. they can never run a country.
Talking about government, it has become so dirty, that people dont even consider it an option to go into politics. n those who do, are made fun of.
our country wouldnt grow to become a nation, untill we, the educated youth, take bold steps. its time for us to form parties n fight elections, rather than depending on those who are hardly bothered about anything except their own tummies. its time for the young generation to take up politics, n give the system a new shape n colour.
i dont know what the result of this tragedy would be..i just hope that it lasts long enough so as more tragedies never get space to come up.
jai hind.
Manas Puri said…
What you say is partly true. The best thing to do at this point is that think a little positive. We must understand that the first requirement for a drastic change is the begining. I take this uprising of the people as the begining. Nothing can and nothing will change in nick of a moment. Everything takes time.So will india. It is important to start first.

In my view, if our political system has to change we must and we should apply some entry requirment for an indivisual to enter politics. HE has to be educated in the first place. This is just one of the possible options, there have to be more. You are right in saying that the change would take time. The thing to be understood is that no matter if it takes time, we need to start in the first plce to bring about any change.I dont care about the TRP,s. As long as they the media is spreading the voice of people along with this demand for urgent action, i dont give a fuck if they are doing this for the TRP. For me that is a by product which is useful for the media. Good for them. The same goes for the politicians. I dont care which party takes the office. all i care is that they should do enough to protest the territories of india. Getting the votes of the people is a direct function of the governments performance. It is up to us to make sure that the politicians understand this. We should put this message across that we as the voters are only going to put that government in power which performs. When i say performs i do not mean perform in the cast politics or shome other similar shit. It has to perform in the right sense of the word.

Once we do this the government will have to perform. They will be left with no other option.
Anonymous said…
i messaged in reply ...but i guess it got deleted..
anyways...keep up the good work...
keep writing..

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